Shifting Patient Expectations Demand New Healthcare Provider Strategies

August 7, 2022
Sonia Gossai

The healthcare industry faces many challenges, including the need to keep up with growing patient expectations when it comes to care delivery. There is much to address, from the need for more digital engagement to in-home and community care, recruiting and retaining talent, as well as prioritizing health equity. One commonality of each of these areas is the beginning of the patient experience – often the brand of the provider and the ease of getting an appointment.

While marketing may not be the first place one would look to help alleviate the healthcare burdens, it is the place where most patient experience truly begins. Gabrielle Bejarano, the host of the Dash Talk by Relatient podcast, recently spoke with a few folks hard at work solving these healthcare challenges.

Justin Knott, CEO of Intrepy Healthcare Marketing, Kelley Knott, President at Intrepy, and Josh Byrd, VP of Marketing at Relatient, shared their thoughts on today’s healthcare challenges, and how they’re helping make a difference.

Bejarano’s discussion with Knott, Knott, and Byrd includes the following:

• How consumerism is impacting the patient-provider relationship and patient expectations

• The role marketing plays in supporting healthcare and healthcare initiatives, starting with patient acquisition

• The unique challenges healthcare clients need to solve to deliver a better patient experience from the first touch

“The patient expectations for their experience with their physician has exploded, I think we expect more from our providers… to increase that feeling of connection with the provider, I think technology has really come into play” – Kelley Knott

About the guests:

Justin Knott created Intrepy Healthcare Marketing with his wife, Kelley, in 2013. He is a speaker, podcaster, and content creator specializing in medical marketing strategy development and execution, including medical SEO, paid ads for doctors, healthcare content development, reputation management, and CRM marketing automation.

Kelley Knott co-founded Intrepy with her husband, Justin. Knott is also the co-founder of CaptureMD, a video tool to help physicians create video content & collect patient video testimonials.

Josh Byrd is an experienced strategic marketing leader focused on demand generation using data-driven techniques, including account-based marketing (ABM), marketing automation, online advertising, social media, print, and public relations. Byrd thrives in building strong teams who creatively mix diverse marketing tactics, both traditional and modern, to realize significant revenue growth.

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