Winning Strategies and Solutions in Pain Management and Sports Medicine

March 1, 2023
Chase Wasson

When Bills safety Damar Hamlin got injured during a game against the Cincinnati Bengals in January, the world of sports held its breath. Thankfully, Hamlin is on the road to recovery, but his injury served as a reminder of the importance of sports medicine and interventional pain management.

One of the most Internationally recognized and respected names in sports and pain management is Dr. Chad Stephens, President and Managing Partner/Physician at Noble Pain Management & Sports Medicine. Stephens noted the rare instance of this type of injury in football.

Still, anyone involved in sports from school to the professional level knows, pain is part of the game. And in America, sports or no sports, an estimated 100 million people suffer from chronic pain.

Dr. Stephens firmly believes in educating patients, sports, and healthcare communities on effective pain management strategies and treatments. He sat down with #WinTheDay host, Chase Wasson, to talk about his career and his approach to pain management and sports medicine.

“The reason I enjoy the field I’m in is because I see people on a continual basis, and I get to watch the progress of their life,” Stephens said. “What I mean by that is functional improvement through injury, or chronic pain conditions, and getting them back to doing things they enjoy at a higher level than being hampered by whatever is in their way.”

Wasson and Stephens discuss…

● The learnings and experiences that impacted how Dr. Stephens treats patients today

● How patient needs guide the treatment plan journey

● Using interpersonal skills to build trust and rapport with patients and colleagues

“When I teach a course on the weekend, a lot of times I will ask the radiology techs, and I’ll say when was the last time a doctor called you by your name,” Stephens said. “And some of them never had a doctor call them by their name, and I look at all the people in the course and say, the first thing you need to understand when you walk into the room is you’re not the most important person.”

About Dr. Chad Stephens

Dr. Chad Stephens believes the right representation can be the difference between success and failure. Stephens is a decades-long educator of sports and pain medicine innovation. He’s an engaged educator and speaker who has been seen and heard on numerous radio and TV stations throughout the country, including regular contributions on Fox News. His mission is to help patients determine the true source of their pain and create customized plans designed to return patients to their everyday, active lives.

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