Third Inning: Whatever is Normal, Do The Exact Opposite

April 18, 2024
Jesse Cole


In a world where most businesses adhere to traditional practices, the Savannah Bananas baseball team stands out by doing the exact opposite. The organization’s philosophy is simple yet revolutionary: “Whatever’s normal, do the exact opposite.” This approach not only distinguishes them from competitors but also creates unforgettable experiences for their fans.

Most companies stick to familiar routines, prioritizing what’s always been done over what could be. The Savannah Bananas reject this mindset entirely. By questioning every aspect of their operation, they continually shift the mundane into the realm of the extraordinary. They maintain two lists: the “normal list” and the “remarkable list,” ensuring that every opportunity to impress and engage is seized.

In this week’s episode, the Savannah Bananas baseball team shows us how to take fun seriously, flipping the script on traditional business norms to create a delightfully zany experience for everyone they touch. From quirky voicemails that remix popular songs to hold music that’s so catchy fans actually ask to be put on hold, they’ve mastered the art of surprise and delight. Their business cards are collectible baseball cards, and pregame announcements get a star treatment with tunes sung to pop hits. It’s not just about playing baseball; it’s about breaking the mold and making every moment unforgettable. They dance, they sing, and they even conga with the crowd. This team doesn’t just bend the rules—they dance on them in banana costumes, showing us all that when it comes to business, the real win is having a blast while doing it.The Savannah Bananas exemplify how businesses can stand out by fundamentally rethinking how they operate. They don’t just play by the rules—they redefine them. Their approach encourages others to think big, think fun, and above all, think differently. The result? A business model that not only succeeds but also brings joy and surprise to every interaction, making them a standout example in the world of sports and business.

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