Hiring Made Human: A Career in Sales

July 29, 2024


Hiring Made Human is the key focus of the latest episode of The AppleOne Show, emphasizing the demand for talented sales professionals in evolving industries. In this episode, host Brett Howroyd delves into the intricacies of a career in sales, featuring insights from Stacie Habegger, Chief Sales Officer at the ActOne Group, and Kim Bell, Vice President of Client Connections at ActOne.

Howroyd hosts a conversation with two seasoned professionals from ActOne to explore their sales journeys. Habegger and Bell share personal experiences, challenges faced, and strategies employed to succeed in their respective roles. The discussion covers the evolution of sales roles, the differences between B2B and B2C sales, and the essential traits needed to thrive in the sales industry.

This episode of The AppleOne Show highlights the importance of Hiring Made Human by delving into what makes a career in sales rewarding and challenging. Listeners gain insights into the essential qualities for success in sales, such as self-confidence, resilience, and strategic thinking. The episode highlights how access to information has transformed sales, making it more consultative and strategic. Habegger and Bell provide practical advice for those considering a career in sales, emphasizing the importance of problem-solving, relationship-building, and continuous learning.

Article by MarketScale

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