DisruptED: How Can We Best Help Students With Special Needs?


In today’s rapidly evolving educational landscape, the challenges faced by students with special needs are becoming increasingly complex. With the rise of technology and the disruptions caused by the pandemic, the stakes have never been higher. Research indicates that students in urban school districts have been lagging behind for years, and the pandemic has only exacerbated the learning loss. How can we bridge this gap and ensure that every student, regardless of their background or abilities, receives the education they deserve?

On the latest episode of DisruptED, hosts by Ron J. Stefanski and Caesar Mickens Jr. engage in a profound conversation with Dominic Cipollone, Managing Director at Castle Placement. Since both Caesar and Dominic are familiar with the trials and tribulations of urban education and the navigating that environment, both co-host and guest are able to dig real deep into the topic of students with special needs in big cities. Key topics discussed in this episode include…

– The real impact of the pandemic on learning loss.
– The importance of real-world experiences in education.
– Strategies and technology to help students with special needs.

Dominic Cipollone has dedicated 30 years to the Department of New York’s education system, serving both as a teacher and principal in the Bronx. His insights, combined with his personal journey of raising a son with special needs, offer a unique perspective on the challenges and opportunities in today’s educational environment.

Article by Rafael Abreu

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