What to Expect When You’re Expecting a Little Red Smokehouse

April 28, 2023

In What to Expect When You’re Expecting a Little Red Smokehouse, Ryan Higgins, J&R product expert talks about what to expect when you’re receiving your Little Red Smokehouse smoker. He discusses details, tips and tricks for starting your first fire, getting ready to cook, finishing your cook and maintenance of your unit.

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“Starting Your First Fire” is part two of J&R Manufacturing’s five part series. You want to begin with kindling or firestarter. Then set your logs in a way that allows your fire to breathe and grow. As J&R Manufacturing always says, there is no hurry up in barbecue, so it will take some time.

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“Getting Ready to Cook” is part three of J&R Manufacturing’s five part series. This video discusses how the key to any extended cook or proper fire management is getting a nice, solid coal bed. Also discussed are tips for an extended cook on your Little Red smoker or Smoke-Master smoker.

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“Finishing Your Cook” is part four of J&R Manufacturing’s five part series. This video includes tips on how to properly and safely open your cooking chamber, including hitting your EVAC switch, turning the thermostat down so the fire isn’t raging, and waiting some time before you open it.