AV Enhances the Modern Classroom
To be a good teacher it is increasingly necessary to be as tech-savvy as possible and AV is central to modern instruction. Anna Flores, a bilingual elementary school teacher inTexas, shows just what it takes to be a good teacher in today’s schools.
“The curriculum is beginning to integrate technology more and more every single school year and as a teacher, I use AV on a daily basis to deliver some sort of instruction,” Flores said. “The kids just love using it and are excited to interact with it every single day.”
This includes a variety of Apple products, including MacBook and iPad, and a SmartBoard which both she and her students love.
The learning experience in an AV-enhanced classroom is fundamentally different from a traditional one. Flores believes strong use of AV is important because “Students are very visual and enjoy using technology on a daily basis.” The result is more student participation.
“For instance, kids having trouble reading and writing are more willing to take risks when technology is involved,” Flores said. “Teachers have to get more creative and more tech-savvy.”
A move to a more AV-enhanced classroom is important not just for your average students, but for special needs kids as well.
“Kids with special needs, particularly those with ASD typically respond better to visuals aides,” Flores said. “Thus, technology helps in the learning process tremendously well.”
AV technology thus makes it easier to bring children with special needs into the regular classroom while meeting each child’s needs. Overall, Flores is optimistic about the future of AV in our schools.
“I think it is something all school districts will be moving towards,” she said. “It is pretty much inevitable. More school districts will have to budget for technology, no question.”