Modern Cloud Environments Demand a Fusion of New Security Architectures, Continuous Education and Educated Partnerships

April 22, 2024


As businesses increasingly transition to cloud environments, the conversation around cybersecurity has become more crucial. The shift from on-premise to cloud-based infrastructures offers notable benefits like scalability and cost savings, yet it introduces unique challenges and complexities in security management. The stakes are high, with a significant rise in cyber threats exploiting the vulnerabilities of cloud systems, emphasizing the need for robust security measures in these settings.

What are the best practices for securing cloud environments, and how can organizations adapt to protect their digital assets effectively?

In this episode of Pro AV Today, host Ben Thomas welcomes Chris McHenry, the VP of Product Management at Aviatrix, to explore cybersecurity best practices in cloud environments. They discuss the transition from traditional IT security measures to innovative cloud-centric solutions, emphasizing the importance of adapting security frameworks to suit decentralized, cloud-based operations.

Key points of their conversation include:

  • Adapting Security Measures: Transitioning from traditional perimeter security to dynamic, cloud-oriented security architectures.
  • Managing Complexity: Simplifying security management in complex cloud environments to maintain visibility and control.
  • Addressing New Risks: Recognizing and mitigating emerging threats unique to cloud infrastructures.

Chris McHenry brings extensive expertise from his role at Aviatrix, a company at the forefront of cloud solutions and security. With a background in cloud technology innovation, particularly in networking and network security, McHenry offers valuable insights into adapting traditional IT security principles for the cloud era. His experience with major cloud vendors like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud Platform highlights his deep understanding of the cloud computing landscape.

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