Introducing QuickSilver, a New AV Experience with Maris Ensing of Mad Systems
Venues and businesses have relied on AV installations for decades now, from loud-speakers to projectors, to engage their audiences. As time marches forward, many of these businesses’ AV systems have become outdated, especially when it comes to digital signage. Static graphics make it hard to display new or adjusted information, and some AV systems use bigger, bulkier hardware that hasn’t been updated since the early 2000s, making it harder to fix and move around hardware setups. Most problematic of all, many AV experiences aren’t tailored to people with physical or mental disabilities.
In comes QuickSilver™, the next generation in AV technology, which is looking to become an affordable upgrade for businesses and venues of all kinds. Beyond the affordability, QuickSilver™ has the power to create and change moving graphics for several audiences on-the-fly, whether that’s adapting to people with visual or hearing impairments, or people in wheelchairs to make the experience more accessible, or whether that’s adjusting content to be family-friendly.
Joining us is one of its creators, Mad Systems Founder Maris Ensing, to discuss how his team created their wish list for what they wanted to see in a perfect AV system.
“We wanted something that was a lot more flexible,” Ensing said.
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