You may be surprised to learn that your body is jam packed with trillions of bacteria. But don’t worry, most of these bacteria in your body are located in your gut, and they are actually doing good work for you! This little ecosystem, referred to as the gut microbiome, is constantly working to improve your digestion, enhance your immune system, and protect you from harmful bacteria, all three of which are great reasons to focus on improving your gut health this year. The impact of gut health on overall well-being has been a very newsworthy topic in recent years. If you’ve been following the research and developments up until now, but haven’t taken the next step, then 2018 should be your year to do so, and here’s why.
The positive impact of a healthy gut has been proven time and time again. The gut microbiome contains thousands of different kinds of microbes, and is unique to each person. Strains of both good and bad bacteria exist in a delicate balance that effects your whole body. Not enough good bacteria, and functions such as digestion begin to degrade, leading to poor nutrient absorption, gas and bloating, even mental fogginess and weight fluctuations. With more good bacteria, functions such as digestion obviously improve, along with other functions that occur outside your gut, such as your ability to burn and store fat.
A healthy gut is not achieved from its bacterial make-up alone. Enzymes work with the gut microbiome to break down food into absorbable nutrients. If the body experiences a digestive enzyme deficiency, a healthy diet can go to waste as nutrients are not broken down and put to use in the body.
One of the most universally recommended methods to improve your gut health is through the use of enzymes and probiotics, good bacteria, either in foods or supplements. Without a healthy gut, a healthy diet can only go so far.
The long-term effects of a healthy gut can impact every part of your life. The GI tract is almost like a second brain, affecting moods, energy levels, libido, creative output, etc. Gastrointestinal health is extremely important to your overall well-being, which is why enzymes and probiotics are essential to restoring your intestines to a more optimal state. This can be achieved through both enzyme-rich raw foods and supplements.
But simply purchasing any supplement won’t solve your problems. When buying supplements, it is important to look at what they contain, and how much of it. When it comes to probiotics, be sure to check the specific strains and the Colony Forming Unit (CFU) number, which indicates the number of viable bacterial cells in each serving, to make sure that the supplement you choose is powerful enough to impact the flora in your gut. For enzymes, be aware that the potency of these ingredients isn’t measured in milligrams as you may be accustomed to seeing, but instead in varying Activity Units. A supplement facts panel that lists its enzymes measured by weight (in milligrams) may not have a high enough activity to make the difference you’re seeking.
Whether your preferred delivery method is foods or supplements, improving your gut health should be resolution #1 for a healthier 2018.
Deerland Enzymes & Probiotics is a leading specialty formulator and contract manufacturer of enzyme- and probiotic-based dietary supplements. With a team of industry experts working in a state-of-the-art lab, we’re positioned to serve customers from the initial stages of product conceptualization, through the design phase, and on to final formulation and contract manufacturing.
Read more at deerlandenzymes.com