The Guiding Light of Data: Diving Into Data
In this week’s episode of Diving Into Data, we look at the use and sharing of data in a post-COVID world and how data practices, like all other industries/businesses/people/etc., have had to adapt during these challenging times.
TC first explores the challenges around keeping full data pipelines in a COVID world. Not only have companies had to adapt to unique working situations and inconsistent reporting/capture of data, but time is of the absolute essence when this analysis could guide national policy and actions.
Next, TC dives into the opportunities for more extensive data sharing in a post-COVID world. The past few months have illuminated the need for the global economy to have open and free-flowing data, whether it be around public health, economics or anything else. But with the opportunity for more democratized and shared data, comes some inherent risks around data security and privacy.
We wrap up the show with another Industry Rapidfire segment, where we look at how the retail industry is using (or at least needs to be!) data to impact their re-opening efforts. The retail industry has been one of the most impacted by the global pandemic, but smart companies in the space are embracing this as an opportunity, rather than just trying to ride out the wave of the challenge.
Sit back, relax, grab a drink, practice social distancing, and let’s dive into some data.