Comprehensive Tech Solutions Drive Efficiency in Dredge Logistics

May 28, 2024
Mike Bush


The latest episode of Hammer Down, hosted by Mike Bush, dives deep into the complexities of dredge logistics with Toni Careccio, the Chief Customer Officer at PortPro. This discussion couldn’t be more timely in a world where supply chain efficiency is paramount. With many dredge companies still relying on outdated methods such as paper logs and spreadsheets, the need for technological advancement is critical.

Why is dredge logistics still so complex, and how can technology simplify it?

Mike and Toni explore the intricacies of moving containers from ports to their next destinations and how PortPro’s innovative solutions address these challenges.  In this episode, host Mike Bush and guest Toni Careccio cover the following points:

  • The specific challenges of dredge logistics, including regulatory complexities and data silos among different port terminals.
  • How PortPro’s TMS (Transportation Management System) enhances visibility and efficiency for dredge trucking companies by consolidating multiple tasks into a centralized system.
  • The impact of advanced features like integrated email inboxes and AI-driven email management on operational efficiency.

Toni Careccio, with a rich background in logistics, is an industry veteran deeply rooted in the dredge space. Her journey began in her family’s trucking company, evolving from hands-on experience to a strategic role at PortPro. Toni’s expertise and insights are invaluable as she continues to drive technological innovation in the sector.

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