Impressions: Controlling the Controllable: How to Set Goals for 2021
Getting minds set for accomplishing goals in 2021 can be a challenge after a year like 2020. But, lucky for “Impressions,” Ashlee Tirevold, Sales and Leadership Coach at Southwestern Coaching, and CJ Stratte, Marketing Director for On The Move, were available to help provide some insights and expertise on the subject.
Work and life balance are tricky enough to manage, but the pandemic blended those two items like never before, forcing many people working from home for the first time and manage families who were also forced home from work and schools.
“I think that’s been one of the biggest challenges that we’ve seen, people trying to navigate that part in terms of mindset,” Tirevold said. “But also, right up there, another big challenge is how to keep on doing business.”
Stratte said she was thankful technology is available to help get us through the pandemic because, 20 years ago, the challenges would have been more significant and shutdowns more extreme.
“We all make the joke that there are too many Zoom meetings and or being ‘Zoomed out,’” Tirevold added. “But thank goodness we have that, because it allows us to operate somewhat normally due to technology.”
There’s so much about the pandemic that people have no control over, but Tirevold’s advice is to focus on the controllable.
“There are things we have power over like our attitude, our schedule,” Tirevold said. “Like our consumption over social media or the news. And that’s one thing I’ve talked to a lot of people about over the past few months; setting boundaries for yourself with those things.”