Steve’s Small Engine Saloon Reflects on YouTube Subscriber Growth

May 14, 2021

On this episode of Talkin’ Shop With Walbro, Host Tyler Kern talked with Steve McColman, YouTube influencer and host of Steve’s Small Engine Saloon and Small Engine Mechanic. The duo dug into Walbro, small engines and Steve’s YouTube channel.

McColman is an expert when it comes to small engines. This led him to start a YouTube channel, which now has nearly 350,000 followers. On the channel, Steve teaches viewers everything about small engines. He started the channel because, when he searched YouTube for a video about a weed eater, the footage he found was not very good. The video had 17,000 views, so he knew he could do better.

“There are [other] YouTubers who do the content I do,” McColman said. “Tons and tons of automotive mechanics, but very few people who actually show what 30 years of experience can do.”

He started working on small engines in 1987. He has found that people want to work on their lawnmowers, weed eaters, etc., but often don’t have the resources.

“They can look at a YouTube video, then go outside and fix it. The sense of satisfaction is incredible. I get comments every day on my videos,” McColman said.

As the pandemic hit over the past year, McColman noticed a significant spike in subscribers and views on his page. He reckons it was because people didn’t want to take their lawnmowers into a shop, so they turned to his videos to work on their small engines.

McColman also talked about his love for Walbro, whom he said puts out parts to last. They put out solutions to help end-users, which saves them time and money.

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