Smart Parking: A Private-Public Partnership Aims to Understand Parking Via IoT
A private-public partnership between Stratford, Ontario and eleven-x, FoxNet, and the Canadian Open Data Exchange (ODX) has led to the introduction of “smart” parking spaces, asphalt-embedded sensors that collect data regarding the occupancy of a parking space. Around 80 of these sensors have been approved and installed for collection and analysis by the City.
Stratford officials anticipate the ability to better predict and design around traffic patterns with the new servers of parking data. Eventually, the secure networks will allow citizens to remotely check the parking situation at popular city spots. The multi-company collaboration is part of Stratford’s commitment to cutting-edge technology solutions, particularly IoT operations that municipal officials expect will become even more possible with the success of this partnership.
For now, the smart parking platform will collect data through the end of 2018. Soon, that data will be made available to the public.