
Michael Davies

Founder & Data Scientist Green Econometrics

Michael Davies is the Founder of Green Econometrics, specializing in advanced analytics and data visualization of major economic trends and research surrounding the green economy. The company's analytics have driven business intelligence, marketing strategy, and process optimization. Green Econometrics achieved a 17% energy efficiency improvement for the New Jersey Department of Transportation, earning recognition from the House Subcommittee on Energy and Environment. Collaborating with the Port Authority of NY & NJ, they influenced the adoption of LED lighting in the Lincoln Tunnel. Michael's expertise extends to predictive analytics and customer behavior modeling, enhancing call center operations and process improvements.

BA, Economics & Physics
Master of Business Administration (MBA), Statistics
macroeconomics Macroeconomics
image-2023-10-05T071347.087 Green Economy
image-2023-10-05T071428.112 Renewable Energy
Electric Vehicles
image-2023-10-05T071529.638 Green Industry Trends
image-2023-10-05T071622.345 Economic Analysis

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Positioning the U.S. in the Electric Vehicle Market Requires the Development of a Domestic Supply Chain

Michael Davies - May 6, 2024

Recent trends in the automotive industry are indicating that theres a significant pivot towards electric vehicles (EVs), driven by global sustainability goals and technological advancements. As nations around the world race to dominate the growing EV market, the United States faces a crucial challenge: building a robust, domestic EV supply chain.

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Consumer Education is Central, if the U.S. Wants to Lead Electric Vehicle Innovation

Michael Davies - May 6, 2024

The global competition in the electric vehicle (EV) sector is intensifying and U.S.

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Competitive Landscape of the Electric Vehicle Market is Reliant on Pricing and Supply Chain Management

Michael Davies - May 4, 2024

Global emphasis on sustainability is intensifying and both consumers and industries alike are looking toward electric vehicles as a viable alternative to traditional combustion engines. As a result, the electric vehicle (EV) market is now critical.

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Affordability of Electric Vehicles Also Hinges on Proper EV Charging Infrastructure

Michael Davies - May 3, 2024

The electric vehicle (EV) revolution continues to gain momentum, and naturally the spotlight intensifies on the crucial issue of finding EV charging stations and the broader state of EV charging infrastructure. Against the backdrop of increasing EV adoption and growing concerns regarding range anxiety, the urgency to address these challenges is a pressing matter.

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Consumer Education, Cost Reductions, and Inter-Industry Alliances Seen as Vital for U.S. EV OEMs Eyeing Global Market Domination

Michael Davies - May 3, 2024

In the wake of a global push towards sustainable transportation, the United States finds itself at a critical juncture in the electric vehicle (EV) industry. With increasing pressure to compete internationally, the need to educate consumers on the benefits of EV adoption and foster inter-industry and public-private alliances on best manufacturing practices has never been more urgent.

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Domestic EV Manufacturers Can Prosper with Streamlined Supply Chains and Cost-Effective Batteries

Michael Davies - May 2, 2024

Electric vehicles (EVs) are shifting from a niche market for early adopters to a mainstream consumer choice. With this new trend, manufacturers face the daunting challenge of how to lower costs while simultaneously improving the affordability and profitability of these vehicles in the U.

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