TAS Talks Modular
This is TAS Talks Modular, a podcast where we explore worldwide modular solutions, featuring innovative and custom designs. Join us as we talk modular!

Data Centers Embrace Modularity to Remain Agile
In an ever-changing environment such as technology, solutions must be flexible, versatile and adaptable. That’s especially true of data centers as the amount of data and applications grows. Lending thought leadership to this episode’s topic are three experts – TAS VP of Engineering Ron Mann and Joerg Desler and Jeff Kauffman, President and VP of Sales, respectively,…

How to Perfectly Execute a Modular Project
Today, modular construction is a mainstay for many industries. According to the Modular Institute, the modular industry doubled in size to $8 billion from 2014-2019. The need for quick, flexible construction solutions during the pandemic makes the modular construction industry busier than ever. So, with the needs greater than ever before, how should…

Modular Design and Engineering Are Taking Over
In the last five years, a design trend has emerged. Facilities like data centers and other solutions needed for high-tech industries are looking to match their demand with their infrastructure, TAS Energy CEO JT Grumski said, making speed to market a critical factor for builders. TAS is able to lean on its large…