
Yifei Ren

Technology Lead Innovation Central Perth

Yifei recently joined Curtin University as a Lecturer, He is looking to build networking for the ICT industry related project opportunities, research collaboration, and development of pedagogy of teaching and learning.

Doctor of Philosophy - PhD, Telecommunications Engineering 2015 - 2019
Bachelor's degree (Honours), Telecommunications Engineering 2015 - 2016
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Increased Trust in Safety and Easy Implementation Can Help Increase IoT Use Cases in the U.S.

Yifei Ren - September 7, 2023

Even as the Internet of Things (IoT) and IoT use cases weaves its way into the fabric of our daily lives, public trust remains a major roadblock in its widespread adoption. With the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) trying to explore safer IoT strategies, there may be a way around this roadblock however.

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