It’s a given that construction is a potentially dangerous profession. Heavy machinery, cluttered workspaces, disorganization and working high above ground can all lead to workplace injuries. In fact, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 366 of 971 construction fatalities in 2017 were caused by falls from elevation. These incidences can be systematically mitigated by following proper safety procedures. In fact, a properly prepared construction crew can prevent injuries or worse from occurring on a worksite.
Join the National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Safety
Training and awareness can ensure that everyone on a worksite is better equipped to handle the inherent risks of the construction industry. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has organized the National Safety Stand-Down for May 6-10, 2019. This nationwide call to action is an opportunity for employees to sit down with management teams in order to have direct conversations about safety measures and procedures on their worksite.
Participating in this program will provide clarity regarding daily risks while establishing a line of communication between employees to prevent accidents from occurring.
The Facts About Slips and Falls
Even the most diligent and aware people slip and fall. According to the National Floor Safety Institute:
- Falls account for more than eight million emergency room visits per year, the leading cause of all visits at 21%
- Slips and falls are the leading cause of workers’ compensation claims
- 5% of all falls result in a bone fracture
- The Consumer Product Safety Commission reports that floors and their materials directly contribute to more than two million fall injuries each year
While most people don’t work in the conditions a construction worker experiences every day, these statistics tell a story to the general public, providing a glimpse into the risk-inherent nature of the job.
Presco Marking Products Promote Safety and Protect Workers
Marking products are amongst the most effective methods of spreading awareness on a job site. Designed, engineered and manufactured with these statistics in mind, Presco specializes in the production of superior marking products that help to protect people and save lives
Marking products can prevent falls before they happen by steering people clear of hazardous areas. Items like barricade tape, roll flagging, marking flags, Krylon marking tape and more are all developed to make worksites not only safer, but more communicative. More than what its name suggests, barricade tape distinctly quarantines areas deemed unsafe. However, exceeding OSHA safety requirements, Presco’s barricade tapes are disposable, economical and available in a variety of colors. Further, custom printed labeling ensures that workers and passersby know specifically why a space has been isolated from foot traffic, publicizing hazards clearly to protect the unwary.
For more information on how Presco products can help prevent slips and falls on your worksite, click here. Also, consider conducting a ‘toolbox talk’ or another safety activity such as conducting safety equipment inspections, developing rescue plans, or discussing job-specific hazards during National Safety Stand-Down week. Take a break to focus on “Fall Hazards” while reinforcing the importance of “Fall Prevention”—this type of collaboration can help to solidify company safety policies and goals while ensuring crews are prepared with the vital knowledge and equipment to keep worksites safe for everyone.