Personal Growth at Weaver: A Paradigm Shift in Public Accounting Internship Programs?

October 2, 2019
Azam Saghir

“Every journey begins with a single step.” So it was for one of Weaver’s original interns who began their career path in the early two-thousands. They saw a developmental focus at Weaver, a stark contrast to many public accounting firms where employees are often treated as mere numbers. This nurturing environment provided the perfect platform for personal growth at Weaver.

The intern-turned-professional appreciated the sense of value and personal growth opportunities at Weaver. Unlike many companies where growth can be stifled by politics or limited positions, Weaver provides abundant room for professional growth.

This hands-on approach and the feeling of value bestowed upon employees are the secrets to Weaver’s thriving internship program. The firm’s philosophy encourages personal growth at Weaver right from the intern level. Weaver encourages interns to make their careers their own, whether that’s path to manager or partner.

A former intern at Weaver and now a celebrated professional shares her personal journey at the firm. She advocates for a strong developmental focus within companies to build a knowledge base and support employees in their career aspirations.

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