Michigan Needs Answers: Hill Harper on Senate Race Debate and Education Reform

June 14, 2024
Ron Stefanski


As Michigan gears up for a crucial Senate race, the decision of Elissa Slotkin to withdraw from the Mackinac Policy Conference debate has sparked significant controversy. This unexpected move leaves voters in a difficult position, seeking clarity on the key issues and the candidates’ stances.

What are the key differences between the Senate candidates, and how will their perspectives shape Michigan’s future?

Hill Harper, known for his roles on CSI and The Good Doctor is now a prominent figure in Detroit’s political landscape. He joins Ron Stefanski and shares his views on the Senate race and other issues in this episode of DisruptED. Harper discusses critical issues like education, government spending, and how his personal experiences shape his political outlook.

Main Points of Conversation:

  • Harper’s disappointment in Slotkin’s withdrawal from the debate and the importance of voters hearing from both candidates.
  • The critical underfunding of public education in Michigan and the need for a more individualized approach to teaching.
  • Differences in policy priorities, such as Harper’s support for reallocating defense spending to education and public welfare.

Hill Harper is a multifaceted individual with an impressive background. An actor and cancer survivor, Harper is a 32-year union member elected to the National Board of his union, a small business owner in Detroit, and a Harvard Law School graduate. He holds 10 honorary doctoral degrees and is a New York Times bestselling author.

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