We Achieve: The ACHNET Origin Story
Manoj Gupta, CEO and Co-founder of ACHNET, joined host Shelby Skrhak to discuss the origins of ACHNET and its mission, goals, and objectives moving into the future.
The beginnings of ACHNET start with Gupta, whose 30-plus-year career in working with and running technology firms gave him an insider’s view into the kind of solutions these companies need to hire the right people and build a successful brand.
“One of the things I felt, when I was running teams and still when I’m running a company, is that there are many people not happy within an organization,” Gupta said. “Companies tend to hire more and more people and put them into the workforce without understanding whether they are the right fit for the particular role or not.”
Solving this problem became the basis of ACHNET – a goal of helping companies hire the right people for the right roles, providing mutual benefit and motivation for everyone.
Talent identification and development gaps can lead companies down the wrong path, from hiring to an associate’s early tenure. Gupta cited his own experience working with programmers and software engineers and noticing a lot of attrition after only a couple of years.
“Why does that happen?” Gupta said. “Because the person realizes the work he’s doing is not making him happy.”
While it may be impossible to determine every instance where an employee decides a particular job isn’t for them, ACHNET’s mission strives to develop tools to help identify candidates who will be happy and successful at the position needing to be filled.
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