Honor Education is Revolutionizing Education Through the Ease of Course Designing


The fusion of technology and education is more critical today than ever. For a brief segment of DisruptEd, Ron J. Stefanski explored one particular factor that promises to redefine the landscape of learning. He discussed Joel Podolny, the founder and CEO of Honor Education –  an e-learning platform. Formerly the Dean of Yale School of Management and Apple University, Podolny is helping transform education and technology in many ways that even Stefanski will partake in.

Honor Education is challenging the status quo of educational technology. During the brief segment, Stefanski goes over a candid conversation he had with Podolny, where they dissected the intricacies of creating a seamless and impactful learning experience through technology. Stefanski shared his firsthand journey of course-designing on the Honor Education platform, which is now just the beginning of more to come.

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