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DisruptED in Advanced Manufacturing: The Bridgestone Story with Will Robbins Pt. 2
Ron Stefanski - February 14, 2025wistia-player[media-id='yd2codpvd5']:not(:defined) { background: center / contain no-repeat url('https://fast.wistia.
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DisruptED in Advanced Manufacturing: The Bridgestone Story with Will Robbins Pt. 1
Ron Stefanski - February 14, 2025wistia-player[media-id='hs7fjkqsas']:not(:defined) { background: center / contain no-repeat url('https://fast.wistia.
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Female Leaders in the DisruptED World of Advanced Manufacturing with Rachel Potee
Ron Stefanski - February 14, 2025The manufacturing industry is undergoing rapid transformation, with automation, AI, and cutting-edge technology redefining how products are made and distributed. Despite these advancements, one challenge remains: gender diversity.
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DisruptED in the D: A Story of Hope with Portia Roberson (Ep. 1)
Ron Stefanski - February 5, 2025Detroits resurgence has been a story of resilience, but the city still grapples with deep economic and social disparities. Once one of the most prosperous cities in America, Detroit faced bankruptcy just over a decade ago.
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DisruptED in the D: The Power of Black Leadership with Dwan Dandridge (Ep. 1)
Ron Stefanski - February 5, 2025Detroit has long been a city of resilience, innovation, and reinvention. Once the heart of American industry, its rebirth has been marked by waves of economic and social transformation.
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DisruptED in the D: A Story of Hope with Portia Roberson (Ep. 2)
Ron Stefanski - February 5, 2025Detroit is experiencing a renaissance, but its revival is still unfolding. Leaders like Portia Roberson, CEO of Focus: HOPE, are committed to ensuring that this transformation is inclusive and benefits all communities.
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