Verizon Brings Free Online Learning Resources to Teachers
Everyone knows that Verizon is a big league player in the global communications and technology sector; but not everyone knows that the company is also a champion of education. Since 2012, Verizon Innovative Learning has worked to close the digital divide by providing 450,000 Title 1 students with connectivity, technology and an immersive STEM curriculum, investing over $535M in market value towards STEM education. But when the pandemic hit and schools moved to remote learning environments, many students without computers, tablets, high-speed Internet service or no service whatsoever, faced being left behind the rest of their class.
Developed in response to COVID-19, The Verizon Distance Learning Program provided reliable, affordable Internet connections and solutions for more than 38 million students across 40 states and the District of Columbia, ensuring the unconnected and/or under-connected student were on deck and able to thrive in today’s virtual learning environment. But with the pandemic moving into an extra—and hopefully, a final—inning, Verizon has once again stepped up to the education plate and batted in a home run. To lessen the widening digital divide and help both scholars and educators master digital learning, the company has just expanded their program, offering best-in-class digital education tools to more than three million teachers for free, ensuring all students get the education they deserve.
Founding his company, Online Degree, with a purpose-driven mission to make higher education more accessible and affordable for everyone, offering tuition-free courses to keep students on their collegiate path, CEO Grant Aldritch joins host Daniel Litwin, to provide some insight, not only on what Verizon’s latest power play means for educators, students and EdTech platforms, but for distance learning moving forward as well.
Aldritch remarked, “COVID has ushered in what is perhaps the most impactful and instantaneous shift in education that has ever happened in history. As a result of that, people have had to shift their education online, and do it really with no notice whatsoever. So, I think that the tools they’re offering to teachers fills a very important need.”
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