From Old to Gold: Reconductoring Breathes New Life into Aging Grids for Renewable Integration
As our world moves towards a greener future, the challenge of updating and expanding the capacity of the aging U.S. power grid has become a pivotal concern. Recent studies suggest that reconductoring—replacing old transmission lines with new, high-capacity conductors—can double or triple capacity without new rights-of-way, offering a quicker, cost-effective path towards integrating renewable energy sources. This approach not only sidesteps the lengthy and costly process of constructing new lines but also plays a crucial role in meeting the nation’s clean energy goals as laid out by the Biden administration’s infrastructure initiatives.
How can reconductoring redefine the future of America’s energy infrastructure?
Jason Huang, international energy transmission distribution executive and CEO at TS Conductor brings a wealth of knowledge and practical insights into how reconductoring can significantly enhance grid capacity.
“By upgrading to advanced conductors, we’re not just increasing the grid’s capacity; we’re also setting the stage for a more resilient and sustainable energy future,” Huang said.
Article written by Sonia Gossai