Making the Most of KPIs Means a Sound Energy Management Strategy

September 1, 2022
James Kent


A sound energy management strategy can help global industries with KPIs, such as increasing efficiency while reducing environmental impact. A 2020 study by Schneider Electric revealed that 87% of business leaders consider energy and sustainability KPIs essential in making informed and intelligent business decisions. But how do these KPIs translate to tangible value in energy management?

John Casey, Director of National Accounts for ENTOUCH, delves into the importance of KPIs in shaping the value of energy management, providing insightful revelations based on years of industry experience.

In this episode of InTouch with ENTOUCH, John Casey explores:

  • How KPIs are instrumental in proving verifiable return on investment for customers partnering with ENTOUCH by measuring progress throughout engagements
  • The process of building a model alongside customers that estimates value return based on achievable energy savings and the results of an optimized repair and maintenance program
  • The outcomes of this disciplined approach include the achievement of a staggering 240% ROI collectively for all ENTOUCH customers over five years, a 1.5-year payback, and an impressive 100% customer renewal rate – a feat that is remarkable in the energy management industry

John Casey brings his vast knowledge and background in energy management to all ENTOUCH customers. Casey is well-positioned to shed light on the often-complex world of KPIs and their implications for the value of energy management.

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