Beer Goes Digital at the National Restaurant Show 2019
One of the biggest points of emphasis at this week’s National Restaurant Association Show was the future of the dining experience. Margins have always been thin in the restaurant industry but today there are more means of tracking inventory, cutting costs and optimizing restaurant operations than ever before.
Digital dashboards have helped restaurants better arrange their dining spaces, and now beer is getting a similar treatment. On display at NRA Show 2019 was Pour My Beer, a self-pouring beer tap system that tracks keg inventory and limits waste each time a beer is served.
Digital screens behind the taps allow servers and bartenders to anticipate inventory shortages, eliminating delays for customers.
NRA Show 2019 emphasized tech solutions with its Innovation Hub and TECH Talks, and it appears those in the beverage industry may be acting on that message already.
For more coverage from the National Restaurant Association Show 2019 and all things food and beverage news, head to our industry page!
Photos courtesy of Tana Rulkova