It’s About Time Healthcare Had a Geek Squad

April 22, 2024
Brian Urban


As healthcare embraces technological innovation, could bringing a Geek Squad service approach from companies like Best Buy Health lead this transformation? The sector is witnessing a seismic shift with the integration of advanced technology and home-based care. Gastroenterological issues have surged by 20% in the past decade, highlighting the need for this tech-driven approach to diagnosis and treatment.

The crucial question in this dynamic is: How can tech support services akin to a Geek Squad change the face of healthcare delivery and management, particularly in gastroenterology?

On today’s episode of Healthcare Rethink, a FinThrive podcast, the spotlight shines on Best Buy Health’s methodical fusion of technology into healthcare. Host Brian Urban engages with Ben Zaniello, MD MPH, the Chief Medical Officer at Best Buy Health, in a discussion that promises to unravel how technology can lead to unprecedented improvements in patient outcomes and the overall healthcare experience.

Main Points of Conversation:

  • Exploring the pivotal role of Best Buy Health in pioneering patient-focused technology
  • Examining the transformative effects of telehealth on managing chronic conditions
  • Assessing the potential of AI and in-home technological advancements in early disease detection and ongoing health monitoring

Dr. Ben Zaniello is a pioneer in healthcare technology and the Chief Medical Officer at Best Buy Health. His impressive career, interwoven with significant medical practice and innovation, is marked by his education from prestigious institutions and numerous accolades in the field of medical technology.

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