Emirates Airlines Roll Out Virtual Reality For Flight Seekers
Picking a seat on an airplane is reminiscent of a lottery. There is no way of telling who may be in the neighboring seat, and if a customer is unfamiliar with an airline, there is no way of knowing what to expect in terms of legroom and entertainment options.
Emirates Airline is changing that lottery.
Flyers will now be able to check out their planes through the use of VR technology. They will be able to walkabout the entire plane, from economy and business to first-class cabins—and the lounge, shower, and minibar in that comes with it. Virtual seats will also display the view a guest may enjoy on a flight as well if they choose a window seat.
All of this can be done on a computer or mobile device without the need for a virtual reality headset. The airline claims to be the first in the industry to offer such a service, which was rolled out on July 4.
This is a great example of what VR can do for the hospitality sector. Not only are other airlines likely to introduce similar features for customers, but guests can also expect the same thing for hotels and motels so customers can check out the rooms before they stay.
VR is going to make marketing more interactive and properties and services more attractive. It will not be long before consumers are taking virtual tours of practically everything and everyplace—from a favorite vacation spot to potential homes—as the technology becomes less expensive and more expansive.