How Legos and IT Projects are Similar
On this episode of The Suite Spot, hosts Carlos Vargas, Howard Holton and Paul Lewis explored a topic that likely doesn’t immediately come to mind when you think about IT and IT leadership – LEGO.
As Holton said, there are many joys to be found in LEGO, from nostalgia to the ability to create something tangible using your imagination. That physicality, he said, is helpful to consider from an IT perspective.
“I think, in IT, that’s something that we miss a lot,” Holton said. “I get into cars or woodworking specifically so that, at the end of that hobby, I end up with something done that I can say, ‘I did that. I built that. I changed that. I modified that.’ I created a thing that exists in the real world that is tactile that people can look at and see and touch that speaks to something I wanted.”
That sense of accomplishment is often absent in IT, where results are more under-the-radar and constant. It’s often more about contributing to specific projects and celebrating incremental progress than stepping back to value one large achievement.
The trio of hosts broke down how to navigate that lack of tangible results, how to approach projects and technology acquisition based on the end goal, and how to have contextual conversations to get all stakeholders on the same page regarding the end goal and the steps and components needed to make it happen.