How Do You Find Work in a DisruptED World With Dr. Chaz Austin


The employment landscape has undergone quite a lot of changes in recent years, most of which has been driven by technological advancements, shifting economic realities, and major disruptions like the COVID-19 pandemic. As automation and AI transform industries, and certain traditional career paths become obsolete, people of all ages are grappling with how to carve out a sustainable career. 

Given the uncertainty, how can people find meaningful work and thrive in this fluid job market?

For a new segment of DisruptEd, host Ron J. Stefanski spoke with Dr. Chaz Austin, author of the new book How to Find Work for the Rest of Your Life. Together, they talked about strategies for navigating today’s unpredictable job market. Dr. Austin also shared several insights from his decades of experience in career development and reflected on his personal journey battling cancer.

Several key topics from the episode:

  • Dr. Austin emphasizes that, regardless of age or career stage, the key to success lies in understanding and communicating your value to potential employers.
  • Even with society’s reliance on social media, Dr. Austin argues that genuine, face-to-face communication is still critical for building trust and lasting professional relationships.
  • Lifelong employment at a single company becoming a relic of the past, and Dr. Austin highlights the need for adaptability, entrepreneurship, and openness to new career paths.

Dr. Austin is a career coach, speaker, and author with more than two decades of experience helping individuals find meaningful work. His expertise spans multiple industries, guiding people across all age groups, from recent graduates to retirees looking to find careers. Dr. Austin holds advanced degrees in education and communication, and his career advice has been featured in a variety of professional forums.

Article by Alexandra Simon.

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