Postin’ Up Podcast: Damage Prevention of Underground Utilities
Tyler Kern was joined by Nick Temple to discuss proactive ways to address damage prevention of underground utilities. Temple joined Rhino Markers in February 2014, working as a damage prevention consultant (DPC), and is now the director of damage prevention. Through the years, as a DPC Temple described, his responsibility as “Help customers protect their buried assets by using the right tools for the job.” Temple said. Temple not only has experience with oil and natural gas but also has experience in other areas such as; fiberoptics, water, sewer, and trails.
People can call on one another throughout the community to advocate for the undertaking of permeant markers for buried assets. There is a pressing issue behind the mindset of people’s decisions. Temple expressed a need for a mindset change from reactive to proactive with damage prevention attitudes. Temple advocates for proactivity regarding damage prevention of underground utilities. The community is often relying on people to make intentional calls before digging. However, safety can be cut short due to the tendency for people to be reactive towards damage prevention. Proactivity requires a shift from the “I should” to the “I need to” mentality.
“Ask yourself…is this effective?” said Temple. Standards are in place for a reason. However, Temple and Kern agree that standards communicate the bare minimum required of someone. Often within the damage prevention industry, people need to adjust their standards to what is most safe and effective. Rhino can help people be more intentional with putting in the effort to achieve efficiency in preventing damage. “28% of excavation damages were caused because of locating issues,” said Temple. Therefore, being thorough with the marking process can save a lot of headaches for people throughout the community.