Discovering Creative Solutions to the Ongoing Supply Chain Crisis

June 12, 2023
irfan ullah

Tyler Kern interviews Janne Mummert, Rentex’s VP of Marketing and Strategic Accounts, and Dan Meehan, Panasonic’s Senior Key Account manager of Rental and Staging, about the issues brought on by the supply chain and creative solutions.

The COVID-19 pandemic proved to have long-lasting effects on various industries globally. Even as many companies bounce back and recover from the impact, the supply chain significantly transformed due to manufacturers dealing with all sorts of shortages regarding labor and materials, per CNN.

Finding ways to manage business around the existing supply chain crisis can come with a lot of examination of how that can personally affect and improve a specific sector. What solutions have companies discovered as a way around the supply chain concerns? And how did they manage?

On the “Rentex Ready” podcast, Tyler Kern interviewed Janne Mummert, Rentex’s VP of Marketing and Strategic Accounts, and Dan Meehan, Panasonic’s Senior Key Account manager of Rental and Staging, about the issues brought on by the supply chain disruption and solving the problem with creative solutions.

Kern, Mummert, and Meehan discussed several points, such as …

  • The wide-range domino effects the supply chain caused
  • How the impact of the supply chain crisis innovated more creativity
  • Panasonic working around a major production issue at their China location and coming up with a solution that still greatly benefits them today

“We had another factory that was in another country that we were able to convert to making product that historically had been made only in China, and so we moved to this other country to be able to say, “Let’s get this one going,’ and so now still we have two factories that make those product lines for us, and we have the luxury of being able to choose which one can deliver faster,” said Meehan.

Dan Meehan is the Senior Key Account Manager of Rental and Staging at Panasonic, where he’s worked for close to 16 years and held various management roles. He’s worked in the AV industry for well over 25 years.

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