When It Comes to Pixels, What’s More Important: Quantity or Quality (Resolution or HDR)?

January 14, 2023
irfan ullah

Tech Talk: 4K, PB Pro Alternatives, Hybrid Equipment, and more… Janné Mummert and Greg Parker discuss current event requirements, product demand, and tech designed to meet evolving client needs.

With live events in full swing in the post-pandemic world, the demand for AV equipment and technology to meet the expectations of visitors, spectators, and attendees continues to grow. “It’s very important that we make sure we keep up with technology and make sure we have solutions for our customers. Sometimes maybe they’re alternatives to their first choice for whatever reason,” stated Janné Mummert, VP, Marketing & Strategic Accounts at Rentex.

Current demand continues to revolve around streaming requirements. The popularity of streaming events came to pass during the pandemic. Even though live events are back, offering people the opportunity to attend virtually continues to be the new normal.

“What we’ve seen in the recent past is that there has been a huge swing to having everything capable of streaming out…. Before, you might have had just the main session from an event that you might need to be able to stream. Now, you have to have every single breakout room. Every single small session will be ready to stream out,” said Greg Parker, Product Manager at Rentex.

To meet streaming needs, there has been a considerable increase in the ability of hybrid equipment to meet a variety of client needs using existing equipment, especially small switchers. The ROLAND V-160HD is a popular solution for managing hybrid events.

“Up to 16 mixed video inputs can be composited in the eight-layer video effects engine on Program, with an AUX bus and Multiviewer also available for up to 7 outputs. USB-C Streaming webcam output is included for use without any additional devices or drivers, using standard UVC video drivers for up to 1080p streaming. An impressive 40 channels of audio can be handled by the built-in auto mixing to bring together analog sources as well as the embedded audio (Rentex).”

Cameras are all in high demand for similar reasons. “We are not seeing a decline at all. In fact, we are seeing demand go up. We can’t really buy them fast enough, but you take what used to be just a breakout room, and nobody was recording it, nobody was streaming it, nobody was broadcasting it. Now, all of a sudden, every one of those 30, 40, 50 breakout rooms is a one or two-camera shoot,” Mummert said.

And they have cameras and equipment available for clients interested in 4K footage. “It’s mainstream available at every piece in the chain. When we moved from the SD world to the HD world over a decade ago, it was kind of a gradual process, and then all of a sudden, everything had to make the switch. 4K has been a lot more gradual because maybe the camera is capable of 4K, but we’re not switching in 4K,” said Parker.

Technology continues to evolve to meet event needs of every size. Listen to more tech updates, including PB Pro alternatives and the ever-important question… When it comes to pixels, what’s more critical quantity or quality (resolution or HDR)?

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