Oxford BioTheraputics Names Abderrahim Fandi as CMO
Abderrahim Fandi, formerly of Celgene, has joined Oxford BioTherapeutics as the company’s CMO. His position will be responsible for developing OBT’s immuno-oncology candidates.
“Rahim brings a wealth of drug development expertise to OBT, which will significantly benefit the company as we move our clinical development program forward in the United States for MEN1309, our novel ADC therapy [that’s] currently undergoing clinical testing in Europe,” said OBT CEO Christian Rohlff in a recent statement.[1]
The press release announces that Dr. Fandi has led the development of several oncology compounds and participated in successful regulatory interactions, including many with the FDA. He has also held positions at Novartis, BMS, AstraZeneca, and Sanofi Aventis, and has contributed to over 100 peer-reviewed publications and abstracts. In addition, he has served as first author in lead journals, including the Journal of Clinical Oncology.
To read the full press release from Oxford BioTherapeutics, visit PharmiWeb.com.
[1] https://www.pharmiweb.com/pressreleases/pressrel.asp?ROW_ID=267248