Windows Continues OS Domination as Ubuntu, macOS Gain Ground
The major PC operating systems are constantly fighting for market dominance. Though Microsoft’s Windows rarely has its No. 1 position challenged, and continues to see growth and expansion of its OS solutions, the COVID-19 pandemic may have thrown a slight wrench in their continued success.
Microsoft, overall, has seen growth in Windows 10 over the last several years; it was reported in a blog post by the Chief Product Officer for Windows & Devices that Windows 10 saw a 75% year-over-year increase in time spent by users. However, even with that growth, April 2020 saw an overall loss in market share for Windows, while Ubuntu & macOS saw their user numbers increase.
On this Business Casual segment, hosts Daniel Litwin and Taylor Bagley break down the numbers and give insights on…
- Microsoft’s shift in Windows 10X hardware compatibility
- Why Windows 10 is seeing a drop in dominance, and how the pandemic might be to blame
- Whether this shift in market dominance, albeit slight, will have an impact for future PC usage
- What happens if Microsoft’s market dominance is never challenged
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