Why Southern California Is a Hub of Green Transportation

May 5, 2021
Shelby Skrhak

For Jack Symington of Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator (LACI), the marriage of transportation and green innovation is a perfect fit. As Program Manager of Transportation, Symington helps accelerate the commercialization of green technology in the Los Angeles area.

On this episode of Careers on the Move, a Cargomatic podcast, host Shelby Skrhak spoke to Symington about his expanding role in the supply chain — getting goods from A to B as greenly and efficiently as possible.

“A lot of the action in new energy vehicles is happening in Southern California,” Symington said. “With a conglomeration of supply chain companies here, LACI helps find out what innovation needs still exist in the vehicle and goods movement space.”

Symington’s involvement with a groundbreaking pilot program is just one example of this. LACI launched the first-in-nation voluntary Zero Emissions Delivery Zone in a one-square-mile area of downtown near the Santa Monica Pier.

In the Zero Emissions Delivery Zone, participant companies provide priority curb access for zero-emission delivery vehicles or smaller footprint vehicles in loading zones and other accommodations to help reduce air pollution in LA’s traffic-choked streets.

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