DeLorean Motor Company | Not Just Back from the Future, Reimagined, Are We There Yet?

July 14, 2023
James Kent


In an era where electric vehicles are becoming the norm, one iconic brand stands out, not just as a nostalgic nod to the past but as a reimagined vision for the future. The DeLorean Motor Company, known for its iconic DMC-12 model and its association with the “Back to the Future” franchise, is now under the leadership of Joost DeVries, a seasoned veteran in the automotive industry. But why now? The answer lies in the rapidly evolving automotive landscape, where electric vehicles are not just a trend but a necessity. The global electric vehicle market expects to reach $906.7 billion by 2028, growing at a CAGR of 10.07% from 2023 to 2028.

How can an iconic brand like DeLorean adapt to the modern era of electric vehicles while maintaining its unique identity?

Are We There Yet?’s Grant Harrell sits down with Joost DeVries, the Chief Executive Officer of DeLorean Motor Company, to discuss the brand’s future. Their conversation covers a range of topics, including:

  • The emotional connection people have with the DeLorean brand and how it influences the company’s direction
  • The process of reimagining the DeLorean brand and designing new electric vehicles
  • The innovative concept of a “digital twin” for each vehicle, which records all data related to the vehicle and gives owners complete control over their data.

Joost DeVries is a respected figure in the automotive industry, having previously worked with Karma Automotive, Tesla Motors, and Mack Trucks. His passion for the DeLorean brand and his vision for its future are evident in his leadership.

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