EV Drivers Need to Be InControl in Preparation for Cold Weather

February 7, 2024


As electric vehicle (EV) owners prepare for winter, how can they ensure their vehicles remain fully charged and ready to face cold weather conditions without constant supervision? 

Russell Schmidt, Vice President of Digital Products at InCharge Energy, offers some clarity into how their proprietary charge management software, InControl, not only addresses range anxiety in cold weather but also maximizes vehicle uptime through advanced automation features.

“InControl is InCharge Energy’s proprietary charge management software. It empowers you to make your charging schedules work around your business’s needs, and not just in terms of scheduling. On top of being able to stop charging in specific time windows you determine, and then restart to keep your battery at an optimal temperature, you can also trickle charge through the morning based on how your tariff rate is structured,” said Schmidt.

Article written by Alexandra Simon.

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