Staying Fit On The Road: Careers On The Move

September 27, 2021

“As I PT, I’m sitting there saying ‘For a lot of these drivers, poor health was really the underlying reason why they were in the clinic in the first place,’” Manera said. “As I got to learn more and more about their lifestyle and the struggles they go through on a day-to-day basis out on the road, it really inspired me to help them fight back.”

On this episode of Careers On The Move, Host Tyler Kern talked with Mark Manera, Founder of The Trucking Fitness Company, which helps truck drivers exercise consistently while on the road, so they stay behind the wheel longer and retire on their own terms. They dig into Manera’s career, why he founded the Trucking Fitness Company, and why they’re trying to keep truckers fit while on the road.

It all started about a year ago. Manera didn’t know anybody in trucking or transportation, however, he has a background in physical therapy and had noticed he was working with truckers during physical rehab. Working with a lot of workman’s compensation and overuse injuries, he really got to see both the good and bad side of driving a truck for a living.

“As I PT, I’m sitting there saying ‘For a lot of these drivers, poor health was really the underlying reason why they were in the clinic in the first place,’” Manera explained. “As I got to learn more and more about their lifestyle and the struggles they go through on a day-to-day basis out on the road, it really inspired me to help them fight back.”

He wanted to find a solution, so he started The Trucking Fitness Company, and they not only help with fitness, but they help drivers also learn to eat healthily. “Our goal is to make it as easy and accessible for the drivers as possible,” Manera explained. “We work with individual operators, and we also work as a corporate wellness program with trucking companies.”

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