Paul Goldenberg is a highly decorated 30-year criminal justice and global security professional named by the industries leading publication as America’s 2021 Most Influential Person in Homeland Security. Through his work at Rutgers University’s Miller Center, Distinguished Visiting Fellow for Transnational Security, University of Ottawa, and as a former ranking member of the United States Department of Homeland Security Advisory Council (HSAC), he was appointed by members of Congress and the US Secretary of Homeland Security to lead several highly sensitive national security efforts such as the DHS Cyber Security Task Force, Subcommittee on Foreign Fighters, CVE Working Group, Racial and Religious Violence Task Force, Countering Foreign Influence Task Force and Youth Radicalization and Engagement Subcommittee. Working internationally, he directed the OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe) transitional policing mission where he worked on the ground in Kosovo, Bosnia, Ukraine, Sweden, Belgium, France, Croatia, Poland and Hungary, to assess police response to growing extremism and development of policies in furtherance of capacity building between police and vulnerable communities. Paul’s government positions included being appointed the first state chief of the NJ Attorney General’s Office responsible for the investigation and prosecution of hate crime and domestic terrorism, Chief Executive Officer and Director of the nation’s 6th largest social service and juvenile justice system, lead agent for the Prosecutors Office Organized Crime Task Force and five years as deep undercover agent where his efforts led to his selection as South Florida’s Law Enforcement Officer of the Year - after infiltrating major criminal cartels resulting in the prosecution and arrest of over 150 members. Paul has testified before the U.S. Congress, Presidential Commissions, the British Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee, Hague, EU, Helsinki Commission in Warsaw, Poland, and appeared as an expert panelist and guest speaker at transnational security forums, both in the U.S. Mideast and abroad. He has been profiled, interviewed, and has also contributed to leading television shows and publications worldwide, including Newsweek, The Washington Post, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and Der Spiegel, Jerusalem Post. He has received numerous honors and special recognition for his work in human rights from Muslim, Jewish, Christian, African American and Asian Indian advocacy groups and organizations here in the USA and abroad.

Recent Posts

Got a Social Media Security Problem? CSO’s Have to Focus on Recruiting Specially-Trained Personnel to "Read the Tea Leaves" of Social Media Cybersecurity
Paul Goldenberg - September 19, 2023The battlefield of corporate security has extended far beyond firewalls and anti-virus software. It's now moved into the realm of social media, where a simple post can be destructive.
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