
Stevan Bernard, CFE

Chief Executive & Founder Bernard Global LLC

Bernard Global quickly became known as a trusted provider of strategic services and solutions. Being a sought after speaker on cyber security, crisis management, leadership and risk mitigation has helped to further establish me as a broadly experienced resource. I also remain an active participant in OSAC, DSAC, Infragard, ISMA, ACFE and ASIS.

Bachelor of Science - BS and AA, Criminal Justice and Psychology
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image-7 Information Security Leadership
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Recent Posts


Can the U.S. Shore Up its National Cybersecurity Defenses?

Daniel Litwin - February 15, 2024

In an era where cyber threats loom larger and more sophisticated, the urgency to bolster national cybersecurity defenses has never been more critical. With government watchdogs highlighting gaps in performance measures and cost assessments, and recent breaches underscoring vulnerabilities in critical infrastructure, the stakes are high.

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Digital and Physical Security is Coming Together. Now, Workforce Education on Security Strategies is More Important Than Ever.

Stevan Bernard - October 3, 2023

This is the age of digital transformation, and its growth is prompting a major reshaping of digital and physical security as more physical environments are supported by, dependent on, and connected to monitoring and data collection devices and networks. But with this digital rise, however, finding a balance between digital and physical security strategies remains a challenge.

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