First 30 Days Of Working With Learn Do Teach & Justen Martin

June 2, 2023
Sonia Gossai

Justen Martin, Partner for Learn Do Teach suggests spending the first 30 days learning, doing, and teaching oneself about one’s strengths and how to delegate weaknesses. This period should involve understanding what one loves doing and is good at, as well as identifying what one doesn’t like and isn’t good at.

Justen recommends spending about 30 minutes a day learning, which can be done through audio and visual means. For kinesthetic learners, about an hour a day should be spent actively learning and implementing new knowledge. This can involve modeling, examples, role-playing, and practical application.

The final part of the first 30 days should involve teaching oneself, tracking and measuring numbers to analyze what’s happening. This allows for the design and implementation of a plan, leading to momentum. Justen emphasizes the importance of momentum not just in the first 30 days, but throughout one’s career in this episode of the CoachYu Show.

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