Let’s say you’re managing a construction crew tasked with installing a new 100-yard gas line near a road that sees a fair amount of vehicle and foot traffic. The first thing you’d want to do is divert activity away from the work site so you can get the job done and keep the public safe from hazards. So how do you best do that? You could set up caution signs, but these can easily be missed or ignored. You could put up a series of bright orange safety cones that tell drivers to steer clear. But it may not be effective at keeping pedestrians from wandering into the dangerous area and falling into an open trench, triggering an expensive lawsuit. To properly keep out unwanted activity, you need a physical impediment in the form of a safety barrier fence.
An Economical and Effective Safety Solution
Safety barrier fencing provides a temporary physical barrier that wards off unwanted activity and the type of avoidable accidents that can leave a company or community open to costly liability. It acts much like a chainlink fence, but since it’s made out of plastic, the solution is more flexible, allowing for quick and easy installation at any site. The bright, highly-visible orange fencing is ideal for all types of worksites and construction zones, helping to divert drivers and passersby away from the area during both daylight and nighttime hours. Unlike simple caution signage, safety fencing is unmistakable, preventing people from accidentally straying into a dangerous space. It also makes an excellent crowd control solution with applications for directing foot traffic at sporting events, concerts, fairs, or other large gatherings.
As a Preservation Tool
Durable safety fencing is an excellent tool for preserving sensitive spaces. More effective than yellow caution tape alone, law enforcement officers can quickly set up the fencing to truly safeguard a crime scene. Ground crews needing to keep foot traffic off of fields or wet cement in order to preserve surface integrity will find barrier fencing to be an easily deployable solution. It can also be installed around trees or other foliage to provide protection from destructive animals, such as wayward deer or canines that might trample the area.
Presco’s Safety Fencing Offerings
Presco offers a variety of durable safety fencing options designed to warn the public of hazards while securing, protecting, and preserving sensitive sites. Our Economy Safety Fence provides an affordable barrier solution, great for impeding unwary beachgoers from hiking into protected dune or turtle nesting areas. We also offer a Standard Safety Fence that’s ideal for construction projects and often used to warn pedestrians of potentially hazardous areas. The Diamond Safety Barrier Fence is our premium product. Engineered to withstand the harshest conditions, this rimmed safety barrier fence is durable, easily maneuverable, and well-suited for concerts, sports stadiums, and other densely populated events. Visit our product page to learn more about our safety fence offerings.