How Can You Ensure Long Term Safety and Hygiene in Your Facility?
The world stepped up its attention to health, wellness and hygiene in response to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, even with reopening progressing, expectations surrounding cleanliness and safety remain higher than ever before.
That means that, particularly in high-touch spaces like schools and daycares and among workers coming into close contact, facilities need to continue to develop strategies that will help them ensure the long-term safety of those who inhabit them.
To learn more, Voice of B2B Daniel Litwin invited Meritech’s Will Eaton, VP, Sales & Marketing, and Alison Smith, Director, Strategic Accounts, to share their insights.
Meritech is a company that has created automated handwashing stations and footwear hygiene technology for various industries, playing a significant role in upping the hygiene game of many organizations and spaces.
Now, though, new and existing challenges are mingling to form a tall order for operators and other administrators looking to keep up the pace. And keep up they must, as, as of May 15, 2021, the CDC “recommends schools continue to use the current COVID-19 prevention strategies” from the 2020-2021 school year.
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