Developing a Deep Rapport with Clients: Straight Outta Crumpton
The coronavirus pandemic has disrupted nearly every aspect of human life, but its effects are perhaps most apparent in the way we communicate and foster relationships as humans. For businesses that rely on strong client rapport, the coronavirus has posed a monumental challenge. Greg Crumpton, host of “Straight Outta Crumpton,” dives deeper into how to foster these relationships in a digital world, while maintaining that sense of authenticity and compassion. He welcomes friend and colleague, Jason Ames, to share ideas and swap stories of how businesses can maintain that human connection in our new physically distanced reality.
For Crumpton and many others in the business of sales, cultivating relationships isn’t just a job, it’s a livelihood and lifestyle. So when coronavirus poised a challenge to fostering relations, businesses were forced to find new ways to connect. Ames said he replaced hotel bar conviviality with virtual happy hours and saw his client relationships grow deeper and richer. “We are social creatures at heart,” Ames said, and those that value connection will adapt.
Finding ways to show you care about others can be simple and subtle, like wearing a mask in groups or bumping elbows upon greeting. For Crumpton and Ames, human authenticity shines not through texting, but in the emotional of hearing someone’s voice on the other end of the line. Smartphones are capable of so much, but today their most important feature may just be the simple phone call.