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Mastering Marketing as a Series A B2B Company Means Competing With a Stronger “Why”

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In the high-stakes world of Series A B2B companies, where differentiation is often the line between success and obscurity, the power of storytelling emerges as a crucial tool for scaling. Competitive differentiation for Series A B2B companies is more important than ever, considering the light-on-cash ecosystem that entrepreneurs are competing in today.

According to Crunchbase data, global startup funding in 2023 decreased to $285 billion, marking the lowest level in five years with a 38% decline from 2022. The reduction was across all funding stages: over 40% in early-stage, 37% in late-stage, and over 30% in seed funding. The fourth quarter of 2023 was particularly low, with total funding at $58 billion.

The journey to B2B business growth, and graduating from Series A B2B level to a more mature stage of business development, is not merely about offering a superior product or service, or about securing the right amount of dollars, but about developing differentiation in marketing, and forging genuine connections with an audience of B2B buyers and content consumers. This holistic strategy not only sets the stage for meaningful engagement but also fosters a sense of loyalty and trust that transcends mere transactions. Josh Byrd, an early-stage B2B Startup Marketing Advisor and Host of The Growthwell Podcast, offers his guidance for B2B companies on this journey who’re looking to stay competitive with their marketing.

“Whatever you’re doing and you’re trying to compete, you cannot out-compete and out-noise the big brands unless you have something that your audience actually connects with,” Byrd said.

Article written by Daniel Litwin.

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