How Turnkey Solutions like CECO Connect Remove Headaches for Interconnected Facilities
The name of the game for facilities, these days, is interconnectivity.
Whether it’s air pollution control, energy or fluid handling solutions, technology is pushing forward, with IoT devices giving more data than ever before.
But how do you manage all that information and parse out what you need and what is simply bonus?
“CECO Connect is intended to be a turnkey, full-stack technology offering for industrial air and fluid equipment. We saw the need in the marketplace – a lot of customers are having some challenges and have asked to see this information when they diagnose things,” said Thomas Frosell, CECO Director of Product Development. “We saw there was substantial improvement once technicians were logged in and able to talk to the data or share a screen with a customer.”
While the platform’s simplicity is intentional in giving technicians the information they need when they need it without extraneous digging, it also will evolve as technology continues to offer more solutions.
“We see that, as we collect more data, analyze it and understand it, we’ll be able to provide extend warranties, updates to our operations and maintenance manuals, [and more],” said Dante Zannoni, CECO Market Development Manager. “All of those things, I think, are going to help the end user when it comes to post-data analysis side of CECO Connect.”
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