Why Partner with ENTOUCH Controls?

September 6, 2022
James Kent


Why partner with ENTOUCH Controls? There are many great reasons. Jordan Statt, VP of Channel Development for ENTOUCH, highlights a few points that make ENTOUCH’s partner channel an excellent option for businesses.

ENTOUCH, a leader in the energy management space, provides the most comprehensive energy management solution for thousands of global customer locations. But what does this mean for partners at ENTOUCH? First and foremost, our partners recognize the synergistic benefit our solutions bring them and their customers.

Entouch Partners can add significant value for customers looking to achieve their ESG goals and operate more profitably while strengthening customer relationships. ENTOUCH partners can also augment their revenue through programs designed to provide scalable yet flexible options depending upon the fit and capability of the partner.

And finally, ENTOUCH partners genuinely share the same passion for delivering sustainable solutions that improve the planet and their customer’s profitability.

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